Wednesday, February 10, 2010

"Pardon Me"

I just bloomed this morning and my name is
"Pardon Me"
(Red Day Lily)
My tiny cactus is also showing off with this
cute bloom.

Patio Plants

If you have full sun here is a great patio
plant: Alamandas
with it's vivid color of Yellow and beautiful
trumphet blooms.

Another great Patio vine the Mandevillas
constantly blooms
all summer long.

Euphorbia-Diamond Frost

Baby Sun Rose

Cape Honeysuckle-These plants can easily be
indoors during the winter season.

Pearly Bells

A semi-new variety of Kalanchoes called Pearl
Bells, this one that I have
is a miniature, and finally has bloomed.

Some varieties have pink flowers with purple
edges, this one has a raspberry
color with green edges and as they mature in
size the flowers tends to hang down
like bells. They like the same conditions as the
other variety of Kalanchoes,
as is in the succulent family.
This photo was taken when the buds started to

Pesky Varments

About 2 years ago someone told me how to get rid
of those pesky squirrels in my yard. We have too many
of them in our area, At this point I was willing to try anything
because nothing else worked. I have tried replellants,
Hot pepper powder etc...
So she told me use Orange oil, the kind you use for baking.
Well, I did and it does work! when I sprinkle it around my
flowers, and dip my bulbs before I plant them I noticed they
stopped coming into my yard all together! And another tip she
told me if you want Skunks from coming around they hate the
smell of Juicy fruit gum. My neighbor and I put the gum outside in
front of our house to see if it actually works, of course it sounds a
bit funny to do this but why not? our dogs were getting sprayed
by skunks way to often, so we did put the gum out there and I
have not seen anymore skunks! by the way do you know what
gets the smell of skunk off of your dogs? Woolite does! believe it
or not.

Photo Shots

I have to say I am not much of a
But my husband loves to photograph just about
everything including a
grasshopper that jumped onto his plate of food
while eating outdoors at a
barbeque. Anyway he took these photos of the
"Jungle room" as he calls it.
I think when you use a better camera the quality
of photos says it all.

"The Poor Man's Orchid" Schizanthus

"The Jungle Room"

The wise man says "It's a freaking Jungle in

The Anthrium is being rained on by the Old man's

And Hydrangeas has the winter

While the Cyclamens are adoring the

dling in the garden

What a beautiful day it is today, about 71
degrees and I got to piddle
in the garden today. I planted a Chintz Thyme
ground cover, it's fragrant
and really cute. It takes full sun, hardy to
zone 4-9 and only reaches about
3" in height.
It's really tiny and dainty.

Then I planted a Basket of Gold, cute little
yellow flowers

The Violas I planted last year is in bloom, I
also moved a golden privet bush
today it was getting to big and was located in
front of my pergula.
It was a fun day piddling in the garden, Now I
think we are expecting rain and
rain on and off all day on Sunday.
was excited to see buds forming on my flowering plum tree.


I planted this shrub about 2 years ago, I had
never seen a shrub
quite like this, it is very striking and
unusual. "Pink Cascade Tamarix",
grows in full sun, 10-15 feet tall and 10 feet
wide in 10 years.

It's foliage is scale-like but soft and
feathery. Masses of
flower panicles create an ostrich plume
Wild growing, very loose, upright shrub.
The branches should be pruned down to ground
during the
winter season this keeps it from growing too
Blooms in the early summer.

Plant Collection

I have been doing a segment on a tour of my
whole plant
collection on my wordpress blog from a request
of a few
fellow bloggers. I have been posting 3 plants a
day from my
whole collection of indoor plants, incase you
are interested in
seeing this segment just click "Outdoors In"
from the top menu
bar of my blog to view my collection.

Plant Collection

I have been doing a segment on a tour of my
whole plant
collection on my wordpress blog from a request
of a few
fellow bloggers. I have been posting 3 plants a
day from my
whole collection of indoor plants, incase you
are interested in
seeing this segment just click "Outdoors In"
from the top menu
bar of my blog to view my collection.

Plant Ideas

Placing Herbs in nice Ceramic Containers will
certainly bring life into your kitchen. Herbs
are not only
great for seasoning food, Herbs also brings
interest and color.

Topiaries and Draping Foliage plants in vivid
color pots
placed on a windowsill.

Small pots of Hydrangeas for centerpieces

Add Blooming plants, and Green plants to a
and table in the kitchen.

Herbs on the Coffee Table

Plant Quiz

Today is such a nice day, It reached 64
Anyway, There are 3 photos of Plants
Who can name all three? Hint: All the Plants
in the same family and is Tropical.



Or can you name the plant family?

Plant Shock

When summer time is over and it's time to start bringing in plants,
they'll tend to drop their leaves. This is actually normal.
As long as you water them as needed, and provide good lighting
the leaves will grow back and the plant will start to come alive
again. Plants can also go into shock when you first purchase and
bring home a new plant.This does not mean it's dieing,
just give it some time. Plants that tend to drop most of it's
leaves are Ficus, and dwarf trees. Dwarf Trees or Shrubs needs
to be kept moist and never dry between watering, don't soak them
to death either.

Planter Box

Please Click on The Post Title To leave a
Today I pulled out the strawberries from the
planter box and
threw them away, if you don't build a chicken
wire frame around
it the birds will eat all the strawberries. So
I did not want to deal
with the frame instead, I took all the potted
annuals and planted them
all in the large planter box.

Now I don't have to deal with pots and watering
will be a sinch. Finally today
I think Summer has started it's in the mid 70's
and next week will be in the 80's.
Have a fun day!

Planting Time!

Finally no rain! Yeh! I got the chance to do
some planting today,
I know it is a little early but perennials
survive just fine.
I planted a creeping Phlox and the Carmel Coral
Bells behind it.
I always thought Coral Bells where for shaded
area, but good ol' mom
says they can be planted in the sun, Yeh!

Also planted a Candytuft-Purity
last but not least the Speedwell ground cover, love the tiny little
I guess I can say I did my part on Earth Day.

Plants are Popping up

Finally I am starting to see life emerging from
garden after all the rain we've been having for
last 2 days.

Garlic Chives

Grape Hyacinths

Yellow Loostrife


Moneywort Lysimachia

and Strawberries